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Overview @ Home Parents @ Schools Intern Program Workshop Leaders

John Galinato
Cornell, BEE and MEE, 1968
Hobbies: building, drawing, tennis and blues guitar
Heroes: Calder, Don Quixote, Rube Goldberg
Quote: "Holy Catfish!"  Batman

Liu Huan
MIT, BS and MS Computer Science / Elec Engr, 2011
Hobbies:  I love robots!
Heroes: Fox Mulder, Richard P. Feynman, 
Yao Ming (Liu Huan and Yao Ming are from Shanghai.) 

Anna Polonyi - Workshop Leader / Writer
Harvard, BA History & Literature, 2010
Hobbies: Photography, making things for other people
Least Favorite Course: Latin
Skills Wanted: Flying
Heroes: The Little Prince, Baron Munchausen, Shel Silverstein

Jacob Bredthauer
MIT, BS Math and Computer Science, 2012
Hobbies: MIT a capella group
Heroes: My Parents; Tom Osborne
Favorite TV shows: Lost, 24, Heroes

Aditi Dugar
Cornell, BS Mech Engr, 2011
Hobbies: Singing, piano, running
Heroes: Sara Bareilles, Steve Jobs
Quote: "Friends are people who know the words to the song in you heart, and sing them back when you have forgotten them."
John Mejia
Lyndon State College, AS Science, VT
BA TV Production & Videography, Fitchburg State, MA
Hobbies: my kids, photography
Heroes: Mom and Dad
Favorite Quote: "A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? A billion dollars!"
Trevor Shannon - Workshop Leader / Developer
MIT, BS Mech Engr, 2011 
Hobbies: Build stuff, take pictures
Heroes: David Wallace, Matthias Wandel
Favorite Quote: "We also don't know the universe wasn't created yesterday with all our memories in tack." 
Yuan Dong  - Hardware/Software Developer
Cornell, MEE, 2010
Northern Illinois, MS Math, 2009
Hobbies:  Piano, Photograph, Cooking, Badminton
Heroes:  My family, regular hard working people

Hearson Zhang
Purdue, Computer Science, 2012
Hobbies: Computers, Robots, Math, Flute and Guitar
Heroes: KITT and Alan Turing
Favorite Quote: "Let's do it the engineer's way!"
Brent Scione
GLTS, 2009
Hobbies: 3D Graphics

Build-It-Yourself develops software that inspires and guides kids to build.
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