Time Machine Mission
Rhode Island Riverside Middle School ( November 2002 )
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The Time Machine Mission
Mrs. Rebekah Gendron,
Robotics Instructor at the Rhode Island
Riverside Middle School

Timmy is having a time management problem. He has suddenly found himself with a lot of time on his hands. It seems his girlfriend, the lovely and timeless Tina, thinks Timmy has been two-timing her and she has put him in time-out. He has had a lot of time to think about how things went wrong and he believes it was all a case of bad timing. Timmy knows he can wait for time to heal all wounds but he is worried that time is running out. Timmy realizes he has no time to lose especially because time waits for no man. He decides he must work double time to build a time machine so he can time travel back in time to prove his love to Tina. "Time is on my side," says Timmy, "and by dinnertime I'll be making time with Tina again."