

The Mechanical Garden
Mission | Animals 1 | Animals 2 | Animals 3 | Plants | Landscape
Intro Presentation | Workshop Schedule | Return to Projects


Our good earth is getting fouled up 'cause too many people are throwing away their  junk.  We need to recycle our trash!  The Build-It-Yourself crew is on an important mission to turn trash into treasure.  Here's the deal ... collect a compost pile of Popsicle sticks, bottle caps, plastic spoons, ribbons and other good junk.  Then grow a garden full of colorful, soulful, wild species ... exotic plants and animals never before seen.  Make them move.  Program them to interact.  Click on the pictures to get some ideas.

Copyright 1995 - 2004 All rights reserved, Build-It-Yourself, 426 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: (617) 547-9705 Email