Sumo Lesson Plan Day 1 (6 hrs) ------ Make - PPT Lab Book cover Discuss - Problem and Mission Document - Problem and mission in lab book Present - Presenting Ideas Document - Presenting Ideas exercise in lab book Build - the sidewinder gear train Build - the simple chassis Present - 3 reasons to use a gear train Document - gear train functions Edit - chassis and gear train to move the most pieces of candy Present - premium quality junk Document - qualities of premium quality junk Day 2 -------- Review Trade - junk Discuss - and research Sumo history Discuss / Document - awards (goals) and rules of engagement Present - 4 components of a storyline Document - 4 components Write - a story about your Sumo Present Graffiti Draw / Document - your names and your Sumo's name Present - cartooning Draw / Document - your Sumo in your PPT lab book Discuss leverage and strategy to move heavy objects Document - your strategy Build - Sumo structure Day 3 -------- Review Present - problem solving tricks Document - problem solving tricks Integrate - components Test and edit - solutions Document - strengths and weaknesses of your Sumo Promote / Document - your Sumo's virtues Make Sumo costumes Day 4 ------- Review Sumo training meal Test and fine tune - robots Record - Video team presentations Preliminary rounds Edit - solutions Final rounds Present awards for: - Good looks - Reliability - Strength - Honor (Teamwork) - Wisdom (Strategy) - Best documentation Sumo banquet