Build-It-Yourself Hardware / Software to support Build-it-Yourself program Teacher's computer: - PowerPoint - Notepad / Text Edit - Scratch - Robolab (from BIY CD) - Audacity ( V1.2.6 ) Freeware - USB or stereo speaker and mic - Duet PCS noise canceling speaker/mic - Webcam driver (Logitech Pro 4000) - Marratech Webcast ( ) Student computers: - PowerPoint - Notepad / Text Edit - Scratch - Robolab (from BIY CD) - Audacity ( V1.2.6 ) Freeware - USB or stereo speaker and mic Building Supplies Materials --------- Balls (marbles, super balls, ping pong balls) Cardboard (card stock or corrogated) White Card Stock Colored Card Stock Colored Foamie sheets Rubber Bands Coffee Sticks Popsical Sticks Masking Tape Scotch Tape Duct Tape Bright Colored Beads Hookup Wire #20 or #22 Pipe Cleaners Feathers Thread or Thin String Cups (small paper or plastic) Books Wood Blocks Assorted Bass Wood 1", 1.5" and 2" Sheet Rock Screws Tools ----- Hot Glue Gun Scissors Needle Nose Pliers With Wire Cutter Eye Goggles Hand or Electric Drill Hack Saw Ruler Sharpie Thin Black Marker Black pencils Red, Blue, Yellow Pencils Premium Quality Junk (colorful, light, unusual shapes) --------------------------------- Bottle Caps Balls Tin Cans Ribbons Beads Golf Tee's Paper Clips Straws Coffee Stirrer Sticks Bright Colored Cloth