Build-It-Yourself has developed creative robotics 'Projectware' aimed at engaging boys and girls
(ages 8-14) in playful approaches to design, invention, and scientific inquiry.
Build-It-Yourself 'Projectware' blurs the boundaries between science and art, learning and playing, precision and imagination.
Build-It-Yourself 'Projectware' enables workshop mentors
to manage groups of kids efficiently.
'Projectware' Background:
At the Build-It-Yourself Lab in Cambridge, kids have been using a combination of recycled, everyday materials along with state-of-the-art technologies to invent whimsical machines, playful puppets, and kinetic sculptures. The Build-It-Yourself approach is based on the Beyond Black Boxes philosophy developed at the MIT Media Lab. Increasingly, children's lives are full of "black boxes" -- toys and machines that are opaque to children's investigations and understanding. By building their own machines and contraptions, kids open up the black box of technology, gaining a deeper understanding of the structures, mechanisms, and behaviors that underlie the worlds of science and technology. The Build-It-Yourself program is a case study in a paper written by MIT Professor Mitchel Resnick titled Beyond Black Boxes and published in Journal of the Learning Sciences. |