

Candidates for President of The Wild Things
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Candidates and Their Managers:
At Shady Hill

Two heads are better than one! So we made a wild thing robot with two heads, Bob and Joe. Together they are trying to make the world a better and safer place. They do not cheat and they do not say stupid things. We put them on the campaign trail to keep the sugar rollin'
Campaign managers: Natalie, Caroline and Dora




Reptile was build to look like a bug-eyed serpent, with a surprised look. He was built to attract the votes of similar-minded serpents and wild things.
Campaign manager: Jasper




Audrey: "Cassie is smart, Cassie is kind and generous, Cassie is talented..."

Tessa: "What about pretty?"

Audrey: "Oh yes, and pretty."
Campaign managers: Audrey and Tessa




Eddy is an environmentalist robot. He cleans up messes and finds anything valuable left behind, and enjoys observing nature.
Campaign manager: Alec

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