Nuts About Time Clock Project Team
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Anand, 14, is a jazz drummer and likes to write poetry. His favorite heroes are Miles Davis, Gandhi, and Walter Dean Myers.

Michael, 12, is from Taiwan. He knows 13 pencil twirling tricks. His heroes are are Itzhak Perlman, Albert Einstein, and Jascha Heifetz.

Dara, 12, is a soccer player and a very good artist from Iran.

Max, 12, is most proud of a candy dispensing machine he built at
Build-It-Yourself that earned him $27.13.
Max's heroes are James Bond (because he's so cool)
and his best friend, Kabren.

April 2002

Build-It-Yourself, 426 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: (617) 547-9705 Email