Jumping frogs on a lily pad: (Click to watch the frogs leap.) The basic Sidewinder Gear Train is extended to create an axel with enough torque to fire a Catapult Arm. You have to create frogs that are light enough to jump when the cantilever is triggered. The frogs burp when teeth on the gear train rub against a business card. |
Singing cricket: (Click to watch the cricket boogie.) An Up-Down-Turn Mechanism makes this cricket dance to a blues tune.
Butterfly in flight: (Click to watch the butterfly flap.) The butterfly wings are driven by a modified Sidewinder Gear Train. Arms attached to an axel shaft push wires that make the wings flap. The butterfly is mounted on a Rt-Lt-Fwd-Rev Chassis and programmed to follow a black line. The butterfly wings are made from a piece of colorful, blue cloth. The head is made from a mini-onion. |