Projects Build-It-Blocks Workshops Video Phone Stock Room Invention Universe

Overview @ Home Parents @ Schools Intern Program Workshop Leaders

We're looking for some hot shot builders to join our crew of inventors:

Help us foil vile villains who build mean machines and scurrilous scoundrels who make a big mess.  Help us build contraptions that will set the world straight.

Scratch Computer Game Development
July 8,15,22,29, August 5,12,19,26  
9:30 - 10:30 am EST

If you want to be a hot shot computer game designer, this is a good place to start.

Specify the game strategy and logic. Design graphics for friendly dragons, super heroes and other whacky characters. Lay out fantasy settings. Record outrageous sound effects. Integrate all the components. Test the game with your friends and then post it on the Web for the world to play. 

Flying Machines
July 8,15,22,29, August 5,12,19,26  
10:30 - 11:30 am EST

You will build exotic paper airplanes, gliders, rockets, and futuristic space ships.
We’re recruiting aspiring builders and designers to be part of an advanced 
aero-space development team. Your mission is to design and build a fleet of next generation flying machines that will be tested for acrobatics, distance, speed and creativity. 

Workshop Leaders:

Our workshop leaders are computer science majors, engineers, and artists primarily from the Cornell, MIT, Harvard and Mass Art communities.

Team Profiles

Membership Benefits:
  1. Post a portfolio of projects on Invention Universe.
  2. Attend four live webcast workshops per month.
  3. Collaborate with engineers, computer science majors and artists from top universities.
  4. Access Build-It-Yourself plans, tips and tricks.

Membership Tuition:

$40 per 8 week project.


Build-It-Yourself programs are rigorous. Members must be able to focus on goals, work on teams, keep a Power Point lab book, and have a desire to learn problem solving techniques, logical programming and presentation skills.

Parents are encouraged to join in.