Exhibits and Papers:

Build-It-Yourself has presented its program at:

  1. The Smithsonian Museum Exhibit, Invention at Play
  2. The Constructionism Conference in Vienna
  3. The Constructionism Conference in Paris
  4. Universal Village Conference at MIT
  5. Scratch Conference at MIT
  6. SOMECE Conference in Mexico
More information

Build-It-Yourself was named one of the 50 organizations of 2020-2021 who are doing innovative work in education by GFEL, Global Forum for Education and Learning.

Build-It-Yourself selected by MIT CHIEF in 2016 to meet investors, government officials and industry leaders in six cities in China. As a result of this trip, Build-It-Yourself closed two distribution deals targeted to be worth over $250,000.

The Media:

Cornell Alumni News
Build It Yourself: Cornell-educated makers teach the next generation.
(August 2019)

Voyage Media
Boston's Most Inspiring Startups
(October 2017)

The Boston Herald, the Healthy Kids program on FOX TV, The Wall Street Journel, and the Lawrence Eagle Tribune, among others have written about the Build-It-Yourself program.

Build-It-Yourself participated in an MIT technology in education research project, Beyond Black Boxes , funded by the National Science Foundation. This research project is the basis for the Build-It-Yourself product strategy. Read the Wall Street Journal article that summarizes the Beyond Black Boxes research project.

"One can imagine Build-It-Yourself students in later years sliding about a mile down the street to continue their projects at MIT."

Quote from an article in The Improper Bostonian about the Build-It-Yourself laboratory near MIT

The writer of this article foresaw the future ...  Build-It-Yourself has written a number of recommendations for its students some of whom are pursuing their studies at Phillips Andover, Choate, Milton, MIT, Yale, Dartmouth and Harvard.

"If you can look at what he's done and not smile or laugh, you are a stone."

Ridge White, Editor, The Foghorn, writing about an exhibit of Build-It-Yourself models


Educators have made valuable contributions to Build-It-Yourself.

"The goal should be to highlight the 'powerful ideas' in the modules -- that is, the ideas that help you understand how the module works, and provide you with a foundation for building other things."

Professor Mitchel Resnick, from the MIT Media Lab, directing the collaboration between MIT and Build-It-Yourself to develop a database of construction modules

Prof Fernando Reimers' Video
"Build-It-Yourself is a fascinating program that engages students in creative projects to design and build robots. Both of my children --ages 7 and 9-- have participated in Build-It-Yourself workshops and learned greatly from it. It's very interesting pedagogy."

Fernando Reimers, Associate Professor and Director of HGSE's International Education Policy program, describing the Build-It-Yourself program to colleagues at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

"Enormous educational potential"

Program Director, The British Association for Science & Technology

"We visited many universities and programs looking for innovative practices in education. The Build-It-Yourself project-based learning program was among the most interesting."

Professor Manfred Kuenzel from the Faculty Development Center at the University of Bern, Switzerland


Kids, parents, teachers and program directors have been loyal Build-It-Yourself customers.

"Hi John, the webcast you are doing to the kids in Mexico today is absolutely the best class I've ever seen - teaching many good values all in one class - teamwork, creativity, handwork, courage to present and way-cool English

I am absolutely amazed by how well the Mexican kids present their work and how fast they are learning English thru their presentation.

Please give the recorded video to Liz our marketing director. I am sure Liz will love all the things in this class."

Ricky Lee 李蔚奇, Program Director, China Future Education

Letter written by David Heckerman, Senior Scientist at Microsoft and parent of a Build-It-Yourself student.

"I never thought my child could draw like that."

Parent reflecting on the results of a Build-It-Yourself workshop

Letter written by Kathy Corbet, mother of a Build-It-Yourself student.

"Thanks for putting on one of the best Robotics workshops that I have been to."

Science teacher at the Jamestown Middle School, RI commenting on a Build-It-Yourself workshop for teachers

"Does your mommy get mad when you put holes in her plastic food containers?"

Young visitor inspecting an exhibit of Build-It-Yourself models which use many objects found around the house

"Build-It-Yourself is like First LEGO League on steroids!"  

Build-It-Yourself intern

"太感谢汪老师,在这升学的重要时刻,老师能给他写推荐信,真的十分感谢!替我转达我诚挚的谢意!这段时间单位出了点事情没有及时和您联系,真心的感谢您引荐!这位老师太好了!没有什么语言去赞美!他不仅仅教孩子专业,而且做人非常好,谦卑、和气、同理心强、对孩子鼓励一点点进步都会积极的赞美,受他的影响小白变化非常大,有一次雅思口语命题“印象最深的老师”他就说的这位老师,给他影响非常大,其他同学都想见他!一说到每周六的上课,无论在哪都要赶着回家,要和“老师”约会“老师的影响对他来讲非常大,他是近乎崇敬的心态跟老师学习,在这位老师身上我看到了”学高为师,学正为范“的师者! 不仅做人,对他专业的影响也很大,之前的计算机考试成绩一般,这次国际考试他考了94分,全年级第一名,他的计算机老师说他进步神速,其实是这位老师的魅力让他喜欢这个学科,而且为了的得到老师的欣赏,他常常熬夜做作业,制作网页,感恩您的引荐,遇到这样一位恩师,虽然远隔万里,但是他的影响力是那么大,作为父母非常幸运,小白说如果到美国学习一定亲自去看老师,还说要好好学习有机会到他工作室工作,我也想说,有机会老师来中国我们一定邀请来家做客,再一次感谢您和老师辛勤的付出!"  

Email from China Intern Mom
" Queremos seguir trabajando contigo, tus proyectos son tan creativos, tan agradable para los niños, los profesores piden ser elegidos para participar. "  

"We want to keep on working with you, your projects are so creative, so enjoyable for the kids, teachers ask to be chosen to participate.   This year we would like to make it for 3 grades, 2 in elementary and 1 in Senior High. "  

Email from Elena, Director of Colegio Las Hayas in Mexico

"We are very happy this week, Pªblº Saúl told us how excited he was last lesson, your motivation is so important to Pªblº, he was literally jumping after he finished the class. Saúl and I are very grateful to all the team of BUILD IT YOURSELF, Pªblº is privilege to be part of it. We appreciate your words and enthusiasm, thanks for writing is very important for all the family. Thanks a lot for contributing to have better children in this world."  

Email from Saúl and Yadira, parents of BIY member.
"I want to thank you all for the amazing project we just presented today. Smart Cities has been the best project I have had with students so far, and this has been all because of your efforts and amazing support.

John, thank you for letting us explore new topics and imagining new worlds. Smart Cities has been the perfect topic for our 4th grade curriculum (more than the Mexican Museum, I would say) and our students were proudly demonstrating their knowledge and own creations as the solutions you taught them. Understanding the importance of these solutions to apply them in their Geography paper layout as a Master plan (same as Minecraft’s aerial views) at the end of the class, supported their critical thinking as they turned into little architects, evaluating, defending and pursuing sustainable goals as I had never seen before. Parents were amazed when they heard their kids managing this global information in such a natural and familiar way. 

Brent, thank you for all your support during the whole project. You are simply the best in explaining difficult things in such an easy way, and always with a different point of view.  Thank you for the Smart Lightning, Smart Farming and Smart Recycling models, they were the best to explain how technology helps us develop a ‘Smart’ city. This was key for success! Lula and Ale, thank you for your passion, inspiration, feedback and support everyday. You are simply a DREAM TEAM and I am so lucky to have you in my life.

This project is pure gold!"  

Email from Mariana, Tech Teacher at Colegio Las Hayas in Mexico

"One of the things I am thankful for is the big opportunity of meeting you, your colleagues and teachers of my son... Have a wonderful thanksgiving day and continue inspiring creativity and collaboration...."  

Email from Alejandra Sandoval, teacher and parent of BIY member.

Reference Programs:

- Greater Lawrence Technical School, Andover, MA
- Buckingham, Browne & Nichols, Cambridge, MA
- The Pierce School, Brookline, MA
- Lawrence Academy, Groton, MA
- Fay School, Southboro, MA
- The Park School, Brookline, MA
- Riverside Middle School, Riverside, RI
- Jamestown School, Jamestown, RI
- Renbrook School, West Hartford, CT
- Concord Academy, Concord, MA
- Meadowbrook School, Weston, MA
- Lawrence Academy, Groton, MA
- La Mesa School System, La Mesa, CA
- Colegio Las Hayas, Xalapa, Mexico


China Future Education purchased the right to publish 17 Build-It-Yourself Projects in a text book series.

Build-It-Yourself wrote a chapter for the Addison Wesley book, Creative Projects with LEGO Mindstorms.

The Build-It-Yourself program was a subject of an NSF grant awarded to Professor Mitchel Resnick at the MIT Media Lab titled Beyond Black Boxes and published in Journal of the Learning Sciences.


  1. Participated in National Science Foundation funded MIT Media Lab Grant, Beyond Black Boxes.
  2. Build-It-Yourself project selected for display at Smithsonian Institute ‘Playful Inventions’ Exhibit.
  3. $15,000+ annual contract with Concord Academy for over 12 years.
  4. 2,200+ webcast kid hours in past 5 months.
  5. Won NYC iBeeHub Pitch Competition which resulted in a $60K investment.
  6. One out of 15 companies selected by MIT CHIEF from over 60 applicants to tour 7 cities in China.
    Resulted in China contracts that generated revenue of $145K
  7. $460K angel investments at $1M - $3M valuation.
  8. Three BIY customers have invested $220K for ownership positions totaling 8%.