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Set Up Your Laboratory

Fill a box full of premium quality junk so you'll have the proper stuff for building. Check out the Stock Room for parts, tools and supplies. Build a machine that greets visitors. Make a brainstorm bonnet and decorate your lab jacket. Then hang a "shingle" on your door so everyone will know you're open for business.

AI Smart Robots

Mirror, Mirror on the wall: Who's the smartest in the land?

Soap Box Racers

You gotta be fast.

And you gotta look cool!

Flying Machines

We're looking for some hot shot aeronautical engineers to build the next generation of flying machines.

You will learn the physics of flight in the process of building paper airplanes, sling shot gliders, and compressed air rockets.

Chain Reaction Machines

Build a contraption that will activate a chain reaction of events. Make a ball roll that trigers a pendulum to swing that releases a can of rocks to fall that triggers a series of books to fall.

Finally, throw candy, tell a joke or squirt water.

Catapult Engineering

Ever wanted to chuck a water balloon or pumpkin across the play ground at some unsuspecting bully. Here's your chance without the risk of going to the Principal's Office.

Nature Engineering

"Look deeply into nature and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein

Art of Cooking - Just Desserts

Are you into dessert before Brussel sprouts?


Wanna be an inventor of the next revolutionary widget?
Wanna rule the world or be king of the planet?
Wanna be the most famous, most powerful, or richest dude in the universe?

Remote Control Goblins

Did your mom ever tell you not to play with your food? You'll need a good collection of funny-looking fruits and veggies, acorns, sea shells, craft supplies and premium quality junk. Then you'll need to dream up some jokes and cartoon story lines. Finally, you've got to make your critter come to life and act out your storyline using a remote control device!

Pirates' Cove

Build-It-Yourself is recruiting a crew of scallywags and misfits to build a fleet of pirate boats that will search the seas for fat bankers who have too much money! "Avast ya bloody, nat brain, pigeon gut, lying weasel, double talking politician! Yer money or yer life."

Friendly Dragons

You can't judge a dragon by its scales!

Your mission is to design, build and present a dragon that dispels all prejudices against dragons.

The dragon that wins the most friends and fans will be awarded the Build-It-Yourself Peace Prize.

3D Graphics

2D games and videos are so last fall. If you want to be a hot shot game designer or animator, you will need to move from the 2D world to the 3D world.

Build-It-Yourself is looking for a few hot shot artists and computer game designers to create knock-your-socks-off 3D computer graphics.

Scratch Cartoon Stories

Build-It-Yourself is looking for hot shot artists, cartoonists and animators to make the world laugh.

Wanted: Minecraft Builders

The world is desperate for a few bright builders and clever architects to become heroes in an epic quest to protect the people of Minecraft. In this mission, builders will work together in teams to build a high-tech fortress of redstone creations to protect the citadel's most precious intelligence. Join the crew now! Learn clever Minecraft tricks from our wizards.

Website Design

Evolve from know-nothing, nat-brain rookies
to incredible Web Designers


Make way cool emojis to communicate complex thoughts or feelings.

Computer Graphics and Animation

Civilizations are often measured by the art they leave for future generations. If we want to be recognized as a hot shot civilization, some of our art and design needs help!

Your mission is to design digital artifacts, such as screen savers, Web pages, computer game graphics and animated stories that will make future civilizations say, "Wow!"

Scratch Computer Games

If you want to be a hot shot game designer, this is a good place to start.

Design graphics for friendly dragons, super heroes and other wacky characters. Lay out fantasy settings. Record outrageous sound effects. Integrate all the components. Test the game with your friends and then post it on the Web for the world to play.

Scratch Voice Recognition

How should humans communicate with machines?

Digital Music

Do you and your buddies like to dance, sing and make music?

Your mission is to use computer tools to:
1) Develop a rhythm.
2) Build lead riffs.
3) Write lyrics.
4) Create video clips.
5) Program or "mash" your resources.

Robots that Earn Money - LEGO

Build-It-Yourself is looking for some hot shot inventors to fix the global economy.

Your mission is to design a machine that creates value, entertains, offers a service, puts people to work, and pays its inventors handsomely!

Max made $27.25 in one day from his candy machine.

Experimental Theater

Build-It-Yourself is looking for some hot shot artists and engineers to pioneer a new form of contemporary art theater.

Time Machines

The world needs an invention that wakes one up in a civilized way. It could tickle you, tell you the joke of the day, play a Hip Hop tune and finally, dump a cup of cold water on you.

First LEGO League (FLL) Coaching

Wanna compete in the mother of all robotic competitions? 160,000 kids competed in 2012!
Build-It-Yourself engineers are looking for teams to coach.

Mechanical Garden

This project was initiated at MIT for a workshop at the Smithsonian Museum. Simulate the sounds and motions of plants and animals in an exotic garden.

Political Campaign

Do politicians make you say, "Arrrrrrrrg!#$?"

Your mission is to design a robot that knows how to make voters happy and can win an election for President of the Wild Things!


Rock n Robots band is auditioning musicians and engineers.

Towers of Power

Humans like to build symbols that represent smarts, strength and beauty. Do you have what it takes to design and build the mightiest Towers of Power in the land?

Robots that Earn Money - Scratch

Build-It-Yourself is looking for some hot shot inventors to fix the global economy.

Your mission is to design a machine that creates value, entertains, offers a service, puts people to work, and pays its inventors handsomely!

Build a coin sensor to trigger a Scratch project.

Robots that Earn Money - Scratch and Arduino

Build-It-Yourself is looking for some hot shot inventors to fix the global economy.

Your mission is to design a machine that creates value, entertains, offers a service, puts people to work, and pays its inventors handsomely!

Use an Arduino microprocessor to make your money robot move.

Formidable Forts

Build a formidable fort to protect the Queen's candy from the evil doers. Beware! The other side may hurl wet projectiles, stink bombs, and trash talk your way.

Invention Universe Maker Portfolio

In the vast expanse of space, there exists an alternate universe.

It's called Invention Universe where the cosmic rulebook gets tossed out the spaceship window.

Discover a new planet and turn it into your own utopia. Bring forth your cosmic portfolio, a holographic scroll that unfurls your quirks, passions, and accomplishments.

Smart Robot Door Greeter

Build a robot door greeter that turns mean visitors into friends.

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